Give Straight From the Heart This Valentine's Day


It’s 9 a.m. here at Pima Animal Care Center and the parking lot is already full of nearly 100 cars, all driven by caring volunteers, foster caregivers picking up and dropping off pets, and of course, our dedicated staff. Inside, more than 700 cats and dogs are eagerly awaiting their morning meal, a kennel break, and maybe even some TLC from their favorite volunteer or staff person. Believe it or not, February is the quietest time at the shelter, as the busy breeding season has not yet begun. Despite this, hundreds of loving, family pets are all hoping that today will be the day they find their forever family.

On any given day, PACC takes in 50 to 60 pets and about 40% of these have emergency or urgent medical needs. Just yesterday, we received a momma dog and her puppies who have tested positive for distemper. Momma is just a little thing and she’s spending all her time watching after her days-old puppies, moving them from corner to corner, confused about where she has ended up and just wanting to keep them safe. In most shelters, this diagnosis would mean certain death, as distemper is highly contagious and potentially deadly in a shelter setting. Thanks to donors like you, this mamma dog is going to be okay and our team is working as we speak to find her a foster home where she and her puppies can recover until they’re healthy and ready to be adopted.


In another wing, we have our cat ICU, full of felines who have been badly injured or who have chronic but manageable conditions like diabetes. You never know who you’ll find in this room, which is designed so cats and kittens can be constantly monitored by a vet. Today, there are about six cats receiving lifesaving treatments. One was hit by a car and has a cast on; another is awaiting surgery for a possible cyst; and yet another cat is suffering from a badly infected, untreated eye that will be removed by our vets and will save him from suffering and pain caused by this.

Just a couple of years ago, most of these cats wouldn’t have been saved, because PACC, a municipal shelter, doesn’t have the resources to provide medical care beyond the basics.


Because of your donations, we are able to make lifesaving efforts for most every pet.

On the other side of the shelter, in the volunteer room, eight or nine volunteers are busy stuffing sacks full of food, treats, collars, leashes, sweaters and water bowls. By the time they’re done, they will have made nearly 400 of these ‘go kits’ which will be distributed later in the week at multiple homeless outreach events.

These kits provide critically-needed food and supplies to pet owners experiencing homelessness. The bags and everything in them are given to us through donors just like you through our Pup in Boots project. Right now, we’re using bags provided by Tucson Electric Power and supplies from community members who dropped off their unused pet food and other items. We started this program about 18 months ago and it includes providing donated vaccines and basic medical care to these vulnerable pets.


These are just a few of the ways people are helping to create a better world for pets on this February morning. Because of people like you who choose to give to local pets who need you the most, we were able to save 92% of the 18,500 animals who came through our doors last year.

This Valentine’s Day, consider making a gift to support lifesaving medical care, pet enrichment, or support for animal victims of cruelty and neglect. Friends of PACC has numerous funds and you can donate to the one that is closest to your heart.

“We at PACC are so grateful for all your support. Thank you for showing love to the sweet, deserving, hopeful cats, dogs and other pets who spend time at PACC,” said Kristen Hassen, Director of Animal Services at PACC.

Will you make a loving gift to a shelter pet in need this Valentine’s Day?

Friends of PACC