Friends of Pima Animal Care Center

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Recycling Project Celebrates 7 Years of Paw-some Impact!


Wow, can you believe it? It's been almost two years since we first shared this incredible story with you in February 2021, and we're back to celebrate an amazing milestone. Brace yourselves for a heartwarming journey filled with paw-sitivity, volunteer dedication, and environmental stewardship.


What do nearly 50,000 pounds of recyclable cans and bottles have to do with pets at Pima Animal Care Center? Well, that's the approximate weight of all the recyclables collected, cleaned, and sold by a remarkable team of PACC volunteers and Friends of PACC donors. These heroes, including Jo Namsick, Cathy Surnam, Jenny Perry, and Ann Watson, have been making waves of change since 2015.


This dynamic group didn't just take on your average recycling project; they embarked on a journey to transform the lives of pets at PACC. And guess what? They've absolutely aced it! So, what's the magic number? As of today, they've donated over $25,000 to PACC and Friends of PACC through their 'Cans for Canines and Felines' recycling project.


This generous donation has touched every corner of our furry friends' lives at PACC. From medical needs to Keeping Families Together, Mature Mutts, Mission PAWSible, and TOP Dogs – their support has been nothing short of amazing!


The Fantastic Beginnings


Jo and Cathy, two of the project's passionate pioneers, started as volunteers in 2013, devoting their time to walking, socializing, and showering love on PACC's dogs. The recycling program sprang to life somewhat unexpectedly in October 2015 when they decided to tackle the issue of trash littering Columbus Park (the park behind PACC) during their dog walks. What started as a simple act of picking up aluminum cans quickly became a recycling revolution.


Within five weeks, they'd amassed $40 from those discarded cans, and their enthusiasm was contagious. This money was the first of many donations, with their hearts set on making life better for pets in need. Over the years, they rallied other volunteers, staff, and neighbors, who also began collecting recyclables.


“Jenny Perry and I are the core team members currently managing the Cans for Canines and Felines Donation Program. We have a dedicated network of volunteers who help us by collecting donations. Jenny and I coordinate to pick up the materials from various locations around town every Tuesday and Saturday, and then we process them," says Jo.


The project's first three years alone raised over $5,000 for PACC pets with medical needs. With time, their efforts blossomed, and their impact multiplied.


The Heart Behind the Project


Jo and Cathy's inspiration comes directly from their one-on-one time with shelter dogs. Cathy believes it's all about the smiles on those furry faces, wanting to ensure their stay at PACC is as comfortable and happy as possible.


For Jo, the focus is on the larger dogs that often need behavioral support. Her main drive is to make them more adoptable and prevent behavioral issues from getting in the way of finding loving homes. Jo and her partner Bob even found a partner for life at PACC in 2014 when they adopted Orion, a devoted and cherished family member.


How You Can Continue to Help


You, too, can become part of this incredible journey! Donate specific recyclables by dropping off cleaned, sorted, and bagged items at Pima Animal Care Center (4000 N. Silverbell Rd.) during shelter hours (M-F 12p-7p, Wed 1:30p-7p, and Sat-Sun 10a-5p). Oh, and remember to spread the word!


Here's what they accept:

- Aluminum beverage cans (preferably crushed but not required)

- Aluminum cat food cans (cleaned and labels removed)


And here's what they don't accept:

- Glass, steel, or tin

- Steel food cans

- Plastic bottles (discontinued November 1, 2023, due to low returns)


Your efforts will help keep recyclable materials out of landfills and continue to benefit pets, people, and the planet. It's a win-win all around!


To all our amazing supporters and recyclable champions, thank you for your dedication and support in making this recycling program an awe-inspiring success. You've made an immeasurable impact on the lives of pets at PACC!


If you have any questions or want to get involved, email us at


Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey! 🐾