Lost Paws, Found Hearts: Join Our Mission to Reunite Pets with Their Families This Giving Tuesday

As we approach Giving Tuesday, a day symbolizing generosity and community spirit world-wide, Friends of Pima Animal Care Center invites you to be part of a heartfelt mission: reuniting lost pets with their families. Our "Lost Paws, Found Hearts" initiative is more than just a campaign; it's a commitment to transform the fate of stray animals in Pima County.

Did you know 60% of the animals at PACC are strays, yet historically, only a meager 20% find their way back home? These statistics aren't just numbers; they represent real lives - lives that we can change together. For every lost pet, there's a family missing their beloved companion.

This Giving Tuesday, we aim to turn the tide with our innovative programs. Our goal? For every 10% improvement in our return-to-owner (RTO) rate, up to 250 pets can escape shelter life and return to the families who miss them dearly. It's a journey from loss to reunion, from despair to joy.

Every donation, big or small, contributes to this noble cause. Your support funds crucial programs like Keeping Families Together (KFT), Safety Net Fostering, Mobile Medical Clinics, and specialized medical care, each playing a pivotal role in reuniting pets with their owners.

From the heartwarming reunion of Sophie with her owner through our Safety Net program to the miraculous return of Little Joe after being lost for nine months (their stories to be shared on Giving Tuesday), these stories aren't just happy endings - they're new beginnings. And they're only possible because of your generosity.

This Giving Tuesday, be the reason for a happy reunion. Click here to make your donation now. Your contribution will not only bring lost pets back to their families but also ensure that hundreds of other animals at PACC receive the care and support they need until they find their forever homes.

"Lost Paws, Found Hearts" isn't just a campaign; it's a promise - a promise to bring hope, joy, and wagging tails back into our community. Join us in making miracles happen this holiday season and beyond.